

Resources you may need in order to initiate with TBP Chapter Theta.

  • Interest Form
  • Requirements
  • Events Calendar

Interest Form

Required Tasks

Due Date: March 27

The initiation fee is $105, however, financial assistance is available. If you require financial assistance, or have any questions about this process, please send an email to the recruitment chair at, with the subject line “TBP Initiation Fee Assistance.”

Due Date: March 24

Necessary for quick event announcements and Chapter updates. Come and introduce yourself to your fellow initiates.

Join link can be reached from the Discord icon on the Navigation bar.

Due Date: March 31

Have a hand in Chapter developments. We have many committees that help to run this organization: Alumni, Professional Development, Marketing, Volunteer, Recruitment, Historian, Webmaster, and Social.

If you are from the Antelope Valley campus, be in contact with the AVEP Coordinator.

Due Date: April 7

An informal interview with an officer.

Due Date: April 7

Submit your resume to the Chapter.

Proper link will be distributed when the time comes.

Due Date: April 21

Due Date: April 21

Multiple social events will be hosted throughout the semester. Events include: Game Nights, Meet & Greets, Pi Day etc.

Due Date: April 21

Tentative events include: Resume workshop, elevator pitch workshop, LinkedIn workshop etc.

Due Date: April 28

Polishing the Bent Statue outside the Vivian Engineering Center.

Due Date: April 28

Preamble and Yell located on the Home page.



Chapter Events Calendar